Sometimes the donations may arrive on a fairly regular basis, but, at other times, the donations may come in spurts. How can you keep your donations organized so your staff and volunteers can locate them quickly and easily for stellar patient care?
If you work at or run a healthcare facility, you may be blessed enough to receive a large number of donations each year. Those donations may come in the form of
• medical supplies
• food items
• comfort items for patients
• reading materials
• office supplies
Take a look at the medical storage solutions offered by Quantum Medical. They sell plastic medical containers and wire shelving that can be used in a wide variety of different ways.
Perhaps a local volunteer has knitted or crocheted blankets for your patients. You could store these blankets on wire shelves that make it easy to see what you have available—you can even select blankets based on your patients’ ages, genders, or color preferences.
Keep reading material donations organized and up-to-date with mobile utility carts you can find at Never again will you need to offer patients a magazine that is out-of-date and old as the hills while they wait for an appointment or procedure. With great storage options, you can keep your reading materials current because you will be able to easily see what you have with just a glance.
Don’t take your volunteers or your donations for granted—give them the tools they need to keep volunteering and donating, knowing that their efforts are appreciated and utilized!